Handyperson Needed

We need a handyperson to help us with some of the carpentry and finish work in the new International Library of Youth Writing at McSweeney’s headquarters in San Francisco. Click for details.

Sólveig Eva Magnúsdóttir

Articles by

Sólveig Eva Magnúsdóttir

Sólveig Eva Magnúsdóttir is an award-winning author-illustrator based in Brooklyn and Reykjavík. She is a Washington Post and The New Yorker contributor, a TV and film actress, and a founding member of the multi-award-winning all-female theatre company Spindrift. She loves whimsical stories that explore intimate relationships and the multiplicity of identity and belonging. Her least favorite thing is not owning pet goats. For more of her stories, please visit www.solaevadraws.com.