Timothy McSweeney’s Order and Subscription Policy


Can I return my book?

Orders are non returnable. We unfortunately can’t be responsible for buyer’s remorse or other ordering errors, beyond the 48 hour cancellation option after you place your order.

What if my book is lost or damaged?

Oh man, what a bummer! Please contact us within 10 days of your damaged book’s receipt at custservice@mcsweeneys.net, and be sure to include photos of both the book and packaging material. If the result of damage is on our end, we will promptly replace the item. If loss is due to a USPS error, please submit a search request here.

What are the details of my Quarterly Concern subscription?

All Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern subscriptions are worth four issues, no more and no less. We strive to release four issues a year, but independent publishing is like the wild west, and sometimes issues can be delayed when we’re low on the canned beans and whisky that fuel us. However, we assure you that your subscription is worth four issues of the Quarterly, and in due time, they will arrive. We thank you for your patience when we experience delays.

If you’re worried your subscription has lapsed, or you never received an issue, please check your online account or reach out to us at custservice@mcsweeneys.net.

Is my subscription auto-renewed?

It can (and may well) be! All non-gift subscriptions are automatically enrolled in auto-renew. Subscriptions to McSweeney’s Quarterly automatically renew after four issues, at 15% off the price of a regular sub (currently that means $80.75) plus shipping. The McSweeney’s New Release Subscription renews after six issues at a price of $95, Illustoria magazine subscriptions renew every three issues at a price of $40, and The Believer renews every four issues at a reduced price of $55. In the event of any future rate changes, we will notify you via email.

If you’d like to cancel auto-renew your subscription at any time prior to its auto-renewal, you can log in to your account and adjust your subscription settings. Or send an email to custservice@mcsweeneys.net with the subject lines “End Quarterly Renew,” “End New Release Renew,” or “End Illustoria Renew” depending on your desires. Refunds will be accepted only up until the first issue of your renewal is shipped.

Any subscriptions marked as a gift at purchase will not be enrolled.

Help! I moved six months ago. Why didn’t my issue arrive?

Customers must contact us immediately if they have moved from the address registered with their subscriptions. We need address updates at least three weeks in advance of an issue shipment to ensure it’s delivered to the correct address. We cannot send replacements if the address is entered or updated incorrectly, or if your mail is being forwarded. Help us help you by letting us know when you move! Who knows, maybe we’ll even send you a housewarming Edible Arrangement to your new crib! (We won’t).

Unsure when the new issues are coming out? Join our Newsletter! We regularly announce new issues through our Newsletter list and on social media. Bonus—you’ll receive 10% off your next online order as soon as you sign up.

My address is correct, but my issue never arrived!

What?! That’s horrible. And almost never happens. But if it does, we’ll shake our fists in the air with you, then promptly put them back down to double-check that it wasn’t something on our end. More often than not it’s a USPS issue. If your package was sent USPS Priority, it is automatically insured, and you can file a lost or damaged claim.
If you have any questions write us at custservice@mcsweeneys.net and we’ll do our best to try and help.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Unfortunately we’re unable to cancel or refund subscriptions once the first issue has sent. We’re happy to answer any questions you have about subscriptions before you order: reach out to us at custservice@mcsweeneys.net.

I work with a university and would like to request a desk or exam copy

We ask $5 for exam copies, and offer free desk copies. Please email a copy of your syllabus on university letterhead to custservice@mcsweeneys.net.

A note about your submissions

Thank you for submitting to McSweeney’s! Please only check in regarding submissions that have been outstanding for more than six months. We are a small staff, reading slows when we’re working on themed issues, and it can take a while for us to get through everything. If you haven’t heard from us, we likely haven’t gotten to your submission yet. We appreciate your patience with us, and the opportunity to read your work.