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Contact Us


At McSweeney’s Publishing, we try to keep our whole operation small and personal and within close reach of our readers. To that end, our customer service e-mails are answered by some of the same people who work in editing our books and website, or deal with the day to day of getting all things McSweeney’s out to the literary masses.

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Customer service and order inquiries:
Please write to It’s very helpful if you include your order number. For subscription inquiries, please include your address and the name on the order or subscription if it is different than yours.

Wholesale inquiries:
Retailers interested in placing a wholesale order should connect with Baker & Taylor Publisher Services. Or, for special events and non-bookstore orders, please email Dan Weiss.

General letters to McSweeney’s:
If you have comments, questions, or want to tell us about your day, write to us at

Submissions to our humor/satire site McSweeney’s Internet Tendency: Before you send us your submissions, please read over the submissions guidelines.

Press inquiries about McSweeney’s books and periodicals should be directed to

Advertising inquiries for McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Illustoria, and our newsletter emails should be directed to

Press and event inquires for Voice of Witness books should be directed to

A note about address changes:
Subscriptions purchased via the McSweeney’s online store are accessible in your personal account (unless you checked out as a guest). Whenever you return to the McSweeney’s store, just enter your login and password and you’ll be able to manage your subscriptions (and address changes) forever and ever!

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Contacting Dave Eggers

By mail
Dave loves getting letters through the mail, and answers every one. Send them to 849 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110.

Dave can’t answer email because he doesn’t want more email.

Social media, etc
Dave has no social media accounts. Anything you might find out there is not real.

Back to regular mail!
Send a letter! Letters are cool, and the people who write them are magnetic and great-looking.

Speaking engagements, interviews, etc
Write to for event requests. Write to for interviews or other media requests.

Class visits and anything for teachers and librarians
Write to Dave at the address listed above.


Submitting manuscripts and other work to McSweeney’s
Dave is not the editor of McSweeney’s so he does not read manuscripts or short stories. The new Quarterly editor is the great Rita Bullwinkel. Please see our submissions guidelines for more information.

If you need medical advice about your feet or teeth
Though he is a hobbyist in this field, Dave is not licensed to dispense advice about your feet or teeth, and has been asked by the applicable governing boards to stop doing this.

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McSweeney’s is a nonprofit organization whose work is made possible by donors and grants. To support us with contribution, donate here. For questions regarding your support, please email Amanda Uhle.

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PO Box 410987
San Francisco, CA 94141