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Special Call for Print Quarterly Submissions


Timothy McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern is accepting unsolicited pieces in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and photography for an upcoming issue devoted to work by immigrant and refugee authors.


Any immigrant or refugee writer living in the United States or abroad.

Subject Matter:

Manuscripts will be judged based on literary merit. Your work, however, must explore, explicitly or obliquely, issues of immigration, exile, refuge, displacement, resettlement, belonging, assimilation, exclusion, inclusion — in short, themes relevant to immigrant and refugee communities.


  • Fiction submissions should be no longer than 7,000 words. Please submit only one story at a time. (We are not considering unsolicited novel excerpts.)
  • Non-fiction submissions should be no longer than 5,000 words. Please submit only one essay at a time.
  • Poems should be no more than forty lines. Please submit no more than three poems per submission.

Simultaneous Submissions:

We accept simultaneous submissions, but ask that you notify us immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.

We do not accept work that has been previously published, including online publications and blogs.


NOTE: Submissions open until: 9/25