Handyperson Needed
We need a handyperson to help us with some of the carpentry and finish work in the new International Library of Youth Writing at McSweeney’s headquarters in San Francisco. Click for details.
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January 31, 2024If They’d Told Me We Were Poor, I Would’ve Married a Millionaire
September 26, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 18: And So We Commence: Notes toward an Epilogue and Conclusion to the Cosby Codex
August 1, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 16:
Thus Spake Cliff Huxtable: The Ever Nietzschian Cliff Huxtable or Some Thoughts On Cliff Huxtable as Übermensch -
July 14, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 15: The Huxtables and the Unknowable: Incommensurabilities and the Unknown in the Huxtable Narrative
June 17, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 14: Part Two of Toward a Conception of Blakian Prophetic Mythology in (and through) the Huxtable Narrative: The Many Worlds (and Multiple Histories) of Bill Cosby and the Quantum Suicide of Cliff Huxtable.
May 31, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 13: The Huxtables and the Disaster(s) of Olivia Kendall or Toward a Conception of Blakian Prophetic Mythology in (and Through) the Huxtable Narrative. PART ONE
May 16, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 12: Chaos, Psychonautics and Discordianism in the Huxtable Narrative: Russell, Cliff and Rudy Huxtable as Psychonauts and Chaos Magicians
April 5, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 10: Conspiracy, Paranoia and Simulacra in the Huxtable Narrative or the Crying of 10 Stigwood Avenue
March 17, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 9: Yet another Interlude: The Huxtables and the Failures of the 1960s; Modernist Impressionism, Rorschach and Cliff’s Sweaters; and the (((im))possible) Confessions of an African-American Opium Eater
February 28, 2011Selections From the Cosby Codex: Selection 8: Contemporary American Political and Social Allegory in The Cosby Show or How Cliff Huxtable Learned to Suffer and Long for the Bomb
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