Martin Tang is currently employed as a dental technician and rug doctor. He resides in the apartment where he was born, in Saratoga Springs, with his wife, Angelina Jolie, and their fourteen children. They live, happily.

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Last year, Martin Tang won a Nobel Prize for his outstanding achievements in the area of world peace. In his acceptance speech, Tang thanked Professor Joseph Bianco, whose tireless work “shall not go unnoticed.”

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In April of this year, Martin Tang performed the christening of Rhonda (1992) and Patrick (1994) Teague’s second child. What many of you may not know is that Tang is also the biological father. Thank you all for the lovely toys and brightly patterned jumpers.

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Martin Tang’s latest one-man play, Walking and Talking and Bumping into Walls, co-starring Ethan Hawke, opens this summer at Essex Community Playhouse. Reserve your tickets now.

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Martin Tang is awesome.