When I think about this tragedy, and I do, especially at night, what helps me is knowing that she’s still here. She is. All you have to do is visit her Tumblr, to see the world the way she saw it. And she saw it in so many different ways, avidly reblogging multiple GIFS of the Little Mermaid and The Nanny!

Kimi had a voice, and she knew how to share it. On Twitter, she had over 100 followers. On Facebook, she had 800 friends. She even had Google Plus! She was well loved, and she loved us right back. She was always there for me. Shortly after she friended me, I’ll never forget it, I posted a clip from my favorite movie, A League of Their Own, and no one “liked” it. No one except for Kimi, that is. She cheered me up, commenting with a… excuse me… I promised I wouldn’t cry… she commented with a winky face. We had a lot in common. In 2009, she replied to my tweet “Why don’t they make chocolate covered Cheez Its?” with “I want!”

And there was so much Kimi wanted out of life. Just look at her Pinterest pins. She loved polka dots and scented candles. Polka dotted scented candles were even better. As she pinned the things she desired, she also appreciated the things she had. She Instagrammed every meal she ate. I started every day with her, liking her signature pictures of Cheerios and grapefruit. Her use of the Hudson filter was masterful.

Kimi was an innovator—she immediately had Timeline. I don’t know where she would find all those high-resolution cover photos of the Bahamas! I regret not asking her. When I heard about the accident, I watched my Newsfeed, waiting for her to check in at the hospital. It never came. She had posted her last post, unfortunately while driving. Although her Timeline has stopped, we can continue to post on her wall. Heaven has a very big wall.

I may have never met Kimi, but I knew everything about her—that she “liked” Grumpy Cat and cultivated her own Farmville. She used to update her status like it was a heartbeat—and now that beat has stopped. My Newsfeed will never be the same.