Which of the following movements is not a part of my funny cowboy dance?
- The galloping in place with eyes crossed.
- The pretending to lasso something that pulls you off your feet.
- The acting like your rear end is on fire and trying to put it out with your cowboy hat.
- The tiptoe prance.
- The agitated leg while the other leg is straight.
- The bow-legged forward scoot.
- The fake running off balance in place.
- Slapping the sole of your cowboy boot and then pretending like your hand is stuck to it.
- The “cowboy peek-a-boo.”
- The pretending to chew tobacco and spit into an imaginary spittoon, making a ka-ting sound.
- The high-steppin’ arm swing.
- The balancing on your heels and pivoting your toes outward.
- The tipping your hat to a lady in the audience then fanning yourself because she’s so sexy.
- The pretending to pull out two six-guns and twirl them forward and backward.
- Doing the splits and then pretending you hurt yourself.
- Jumping up on a dining table, kicking off the flowers and the fruit bowl, then sashaying from one end of the table to the other.
ANSWER: It was a trick quiz. They’re all part of the dance.
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Jack Handey’s latest book is Please Stop the Deep Thoughts available through DeepThoughtsByJack Handey.com.