Mr. Weschler Takes Another Time-Out From Judging the Contest to Share a Convergence of His Own.

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Honestly. Seriously. I don’t make this stuff up.

Those of you who have seen the Convergences book may remember one pairing from the “Images Without Texts” section, the one featuring the cover of my 1998 book, Calamities of Exile, out of University of Chicago Press, with its Josef Koudelka photo, and then the cover of a brochure I happened upon a few months after that book came out, for an exhibition that same season at the San Jose Museum of Art of Mary V. Marsh’s “Daily Drawings.”

OK, weird, right? A little unsettling.

So anyway, those of you with that new Convergences book, now close it and take a look at its spine, with those Man Ray lips. Quite striking, yes? Eli did a particularly nice job there.

Which in turn refers to the essay inside that extrapolates from out of the trill of images that constitute my “Languorous Landscapes” piece, in the “Women’s Bodies” section. The relevant images, anyway, running as follows:

You get the idea.

OK, so I’m minding my own business, and somebody sends me the latest issue of Chicago Social, one of those glitzy society coffee-table magazines, “The Men’s Issue,” as it happens in this particular case, and, bewildered, I open the thing and start riffling through the pages till I come upon the following spread. (That’s me on the left.)

Like I say, I don’t know. Some people are accident prone. Me, I guess …