The Believer Magazine
Articles by
Kathryn Baecht
Kathryn Baecht lives in Austin, Texas.
November 21, 2024Welcome to Bluesky, but Maybe Take it Down a Notch?
October 18, 2024FAQ: Your First Mammogram
October 4, 2024I Can’t Wait Until I Turn Fifty and Morph into a Lizard Person
August 29, 2024Fashion Socks for Middle Age
June 4, 2024My Life in Opposite Land
December 28, 2023Ron DeSantis Answers Questions about Your Period
October 31, 2023I Wished on a Monkey’s Paw and Now We’re Stuck with Biden vs. Trump Forever
October 13, 2023Sure You Can Regulate My Uterus, But You’ll Have to Find it First
September 15, 2023Son, You’re Old Enough to Know the Truth, There is No Such Thing as the “Invisible Hand of the Market”
September 6, 2023Welcome to Your Menopausal Vagina
August 28, 2023Let Me, a Man Accused of Sexual Harassment Against a Football Player, Explain Feminism to You
April 25, 2023Smutty Books Have No Place in Our Schools. It’s Time to Ban the Bible
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November 18, 2024I Am a Passionate Mid-Level University Administrator, and I’m Gonna Administrate the Shit Out of This Place
November 13, 2024Sure, I Voted for Someone Whose Policies Might Kill You, but Now’s the Time to Put Aside Our Differences
November 18, 2024I’m a Guardrail, and I Don’t Know What the Fuck You People Want from Me
November 25, 2024How to Give Thanks by Cooking Food No One Knows How to Cook and Eating Food No One Likes to Eat
December 2, 2024Template for Trump Supporters Outraged over Hunter Biden’s Pardon
December 2, 2024As Executor of the Frère Jacques Estate, I’ve Been Appointed to Collect Royalties from Your Preschool
November 29, 2024Famous Authors Lose Their Moms in Department Stores
November 29, 2024Excerpts from The Believer: Resurrector: Signs