Handyperson Needed

We need a handyperson to help us with some of the carpentry and finish work in the new International Library of Youth Writing at McSweeney’s headquarters in San Francisco. Click for details.

Interviews with the Authors of McSweeney’s 46: The Latin American Crime Issue

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In thirteen electrifying stories, our very first all-Latin-American issue takes on the crime story as a starting point, and expands to explore contemporary life from every angle—swinging from secret Venezuelan prisons to Uruguayan resorts to blood-drenched bedrooms in Mexico and Peru, and even, briefly, to Epcot Center and the Havana home of a Cuban transsexual named Amy Winehouse. Featuring contemporary writers from ten different countries—including Alejandro Zambra, Juan Pablo Villalobos, Andrés Ressia Colino, Mariana Enriquez, and many more—McSweeney’s 46 offers an essential cross-section of the troubles and temptations confronting the region today. It’s crucial reading for anyone interested in the shifting topography of Latin American literature and Latin American life, and a collection of writing to rival anything we’ve assembled in years.

Until Friday, April 11, you can subscribe and start with Issue 46; below, in the run-up to the release, we’ll be assembling interviews with each of the issue’s contributors. Don’t miss this one!