Mac Barnett and Shawn Harris are hosting “THE FIRST CAT IN SPACE LIVE!” at 849 Valencia Street (McSweeney’s and Int’l Youth Library HQ) on Saturday, February 22, at 11 a.m.
Click for details.

The State of Publishing

This has been an interesting few years for the book industry. There have been many changes and realignments, and these changes have led many to predict that a) reading is dead; b) books are dead; c) publishing is dead; d) all printed matter is dead. Or that all of the above, if not already dead, will be dead very soon.

The good news is that there isn’t as much bad news as popularly assumed. In fact, almost all of the news is good, and most of it is very good. Book sales are up, way up, from twenty years ago. Young adult readership is far wider and deeper than ever before. Library membership and circulation is at all-time high. The good news goes on and on.

In the articles below we take on every facet of the book world to provide as much information and data as we can. We’ll also address concerns and arguments that you might have about the current state of publishing.