Bookmark sliding into copy of Gravity’s Rainbow.

Criterion Collection edition DVD of Federico Fellini’s La Dolce Vita entering a DVD player.

Mailman delivering copy of Harper’s through the front door mail slot of a three-story colonial house in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Environmentally friendly fluorescent light bulb screwed into a vintage lamp bought at a garage sale.

Michael Cera pulling over a red hoodie.

Multiple size D batteries inserted into a toy robotic dog.

Roll of two-ply toilet paper placed onto a brass toilet paper holder.

Joakim Noah dunking a basketball.

Man’s foot pulled into an argyle sock.

Sebastian Janikowski kicking a football through goal posts.

Inserting a cartridge for the game Castlevania into a Nintendo.

Bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon slid into a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer koozie.

Inserting a second Nintendo cartridge on top of the previous one to hold it into place and allow the game to work.

Foot long hot dog put in an ordinary hot dog bun.

Same hot dog being eaten by a 300-pound mustachioed Yankees fan.

Joe Pesci, smirking, winking, and sticking his right hand’s forefinger into a circle created on his left hand by touching his thumb and forefinger together.