Though we’ve known for four years that the 2020 US election cycle would be even more fraught than the strange and painful fall of the 2016 elections, most of us still find ourselves a little disoriented these days. For some, the urgency to remove Trump from office has immobilized us. For others, it’s fortified us into action to get out the vote and to sway those who are undecided, apathetic, and reluctant.

In the final five weeks before the election of a lifetime, we asked writers to consider the undecided voter and contribute compelling arguments and ideas for making the world right. Some contributors sent us work that takes on issues with precision and gravity. Others sent us different work, perhaps an even more visceral snapshot of this alarming moment — a one-act play, an open letter, a story of exile. New writing will be published weekdays; we believe its wisdom and strength will help us all navigate the uncertainty ahead.

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Jerry, lemme ask you somethin’.


You believe in Jesus, right?

Of course.

And you believe He’s coming back?


What if I were to tell you He’s coming back to see you. This afternoon. Around four o’clock. He wants to talk to you about why you’re voting for Trump.

Back up a second.


I just want to be clear.

I’m a big fan of clarity. So is He, by the way.

You’re telling me that Jesus Christ, the Son Of God wants to talk to me personally about why I’m voting for Donald Trump?

He said it shouldn’t take more than five minutes depending on the accuracy of the lightning strike.

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If you enjoyed this essay, please share it with an undecided voter in your life.

To learn more about the Trump presidency, McSweeney’s is compiling a list of his misdeeds and is also tracking the Trump years, by the numbers.

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Jeff Daniels is an actor, director, singer, songwriter, and playwright.