“The spelling-bee contestant did not know how to spell the word ______.”

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“The word you have been asked to spell is ______.”

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“______-______-bo-______-bananna-fanna-fo-______-fee-fy-fo-______. ______!”

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“My third favorite word is ______.”

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“Cinderella, wanting desperately to attend the ball, wished for her fairy godmother to grant her a wish. Her fairy godmother appeared and granted the wish, noting, however, that Cinderella would only be transformed until midnight. If you had a fairy godmother right now, you would probably wish for her to help you spell ______, even if it meant that you would only know how to spell that word until midnight.”

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“After correctly spelling ______, the contestant went back to getting teased by his/her classmates.”

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“______ is a word you will never hear outside these halls.”

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“Ten years from now you will run into someone on the street who, having watched the spelling bee on ESPN2, and thinking he/she is an expert on matters with which he/she clearly is not familiar, will smile, approach you warmly, and say, ‘Hey, can you spell ______ now???’”