Are there any questions?
Are they in?
Are you getting up?
Are you going too?
Are you happy?
Are you listening?
Are you okay with that?
Are you serious?
Are you sure you’re sure?
Are you sure?
Can I call you back?
Can I see you again?
Can you believe that shit?
Can you describe them for me?
Could I have a word with you, please?
Did you do what I asked of you?
Did you hear that?
Did you promise to?
Did you see it?
Did you touch it?
Do I have to?
Do things have to be this way?
Do you come here often?
Do you have a problem with that?
Do you have any idea where we are?
Do you know anyone who does know?
Do you know what you are doing?
Do you know when they might be in?
Do you love me?
Do you remember where you last left them?
Do you want me to stay?
Does anyone understand?
Does it matter?
Do they feel swollen?
Have we been here before?
Have you a moment?
Have you decided yet?
How does this work again?
What’s your problem?