Last week we rolled out the five winning columns of our 2011 Column Contest. Each columnist will receive $500 for their efforts, but only one will get an extra $250 for being our Grand Prize winner. How is that determined? By you, our readers. Please be sure you’ve read each of the winning columns and then vote for your favorite of the group. The winning columns are:

History’s a Bitch: A Dog Walk Through Time
by Robb Fritz

The Peculiar Arab Chronicles
by Nour Ali Youssef

It’s All Greek to Me: A Column on Sororities in the South
by M.M. Locker.

No Fear of Flying: Kamikaze Missions in Death, Sex, and Comedy
by Michelle Mirsky

Assimilate or Go Home: Dispatches From the Stateless Wanderers
by D.L.M.

UPDATE: Voting is now closed. Congratulations to Michelle Mirsky for winning the grand prize with 34% of reader votes.