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Articles by
Michelle Cohn
Michelle Cohn is a New York-based writer and pop culture enthusiast. Her work has been featured on Vulture, Reductress, The Belladonna, and Dinner Party, among other sites. She is tired.
August 9, 2024Susan Sontag’s “Notes on (Summer) Camp”
February 1, 2024Situations Where My Particular Set of Skills Would Come in Handy
November 15, 2023We Must Take a Stand Against Georgia O’Keeffe’s Unrealistic Beauty Standards for Vaginal Anatomy
November 3, 2021It Is I, William Shakespeare, and I Am Begging You to Stop Letting High Schoolers Put on Productions of Macbeth
April 13, 2021William Carlos Williams Tries to Reach His Word Count
January 20, 2021The Immortan Joe Administration Releases the 2776 Report
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