1. Nice day for a ride to school, isn’t it?

2. You’re on your way to school, right?

3. Oh really?

4. Why do you look so young?

5. Does everyone think you’re that young?

6. Did you know that when I was your age I lived in Kansas City, Kansas?

7. Have you been to Kansas City, Kansas?

8. What about Kansas City, Missouri?

9. Mizzou?

10. Why haven’t I heard of it?

11. What did you study?

12. Do you make enough money?

13. But do you wish you were an Uber driver?

14. Don’t you want to make your own hours?

15. Don’t you want to go to brunch whenever you want?

16. Do you even like brunch?

17. Why only on Sundays?

18. Well, have you eaten today?

19. Oh, why didn’t you eat breakfast?

20. How can you not eat breakfast?

21. Doesn’t everyone know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

22. What about bacon?

23. You really think turkey bacon is a good substitute?

24. What are you, a vegan?!

25. Oh, do you not like jokes?

26. Do you not like to laugh?

27. Why don’t you like men that make you laugh?

28. Do you know you have a pretty smile?

29. Why don’t you like to smile?

30. Why aren’t you answering my questions anymore?

31. Are you mad?

32. Is it because you have a boyfriend and he would be mad if you were talking to me?

33. Or are you afraid of intimacy?

34. Is there anything your boyfriend doesn’t give you that I could?

35. Oh, why don’t you have a boyfriend?

36. Why are you guys so stupid?

37. What are you doing tonight?

38. Do you want to go on a date with me?

39. Why?

40. Do you not like nice guys?

41. What’s wrong with you?

42. Why are you being a bitch?

43. Is this your apartment?

44. Why are you calling the police?

45. What did I do wrong?!

46. But can I call you tomorrow, though?