Very doubtful. But you brought that on yourself.

- - -

As I see it, yes. But when was the last time you cared what I thought?

- - -

My sources say yes. And they have no reason to lie about seeing you at the mall in the middle of a school day.

- - -

It is decidedly so. I just know.

- - -

Outlook good. Let’s see how long that lasts.

- - -

Outlook not so good. See?

- - -

Better not tell you now. You seem upset and I’m afraid you might do something irrational. At least that’s what Time magazine says about teenagers.

- - -

Signs point to yes. The incense, for one. How stupid do you think I am?

- - -

Don’t count on it. Or on much else if you keep going the way you’re going.

- - -

Yes—definitely. Oh wait, I thought that was your sister holding the ball. For you, no.

- - -

Reply hazy. Try again when I’m off the phone with my boyfriend.

- - -

Concentrate and ask again. I can’t abide poor grammar.

- - -

My reply is no. Crying won’t change things.

- - -

Ask again later. Maybe in 20 years, when you’ll understand what you put me through.

- - -

You may rely on it. Let’s just hope “it” can rely on you, too. Poor “it.”

- - -

Yes. As long as an adult is present and your grades are good. So I guess it’s actually no.

- - -

Most likely. Especially if your friends are already doing it.

- - -

Cannot predict now. But, if your past behavior is any indication, the results will include my picking you up at the police station at 4 a.m.

- - -

It is certain. Everyone blames the mother.

- - -

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