It’s only natural to be unhappy. The human body is just a bunch of easily broken bones, several useless emotions, a dozen or so organs waiting to get cancer, and a single drop of that chemical that makes you feel good but is only released when you die.

But just because there is literally no reason to be alive doesn’t mean we can’t all eke out a few seconds of personal contentment in between savage bouts of melancholy. The next time you’re feeling low (which should be right now/all the time if you’re paying any attention), hand yourself one of these awards for succeeding at the little things. No one else is going to give you one:

1. For those with realistic fitness goals:

2. If you’ve shared something online before confirming it:

3. Congrats to all the true artists out there:

4. When supporting trendy urban farms turns into a hassle:

5. For realizing that honesty is actually an awful policy:

6. When you’ve made a crucial financial decision:

7. And when you need to face a harsh truth: