Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: What else does a chicken with no purpose, no direction, and a ton of debt do?

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A rabbi, a priest, and a minister go fishing in a boat. They paddle past me as I flail my arms, pleading for rescue. They all go to the bar afterwards.

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- Knock, knock.
- Who’s there?
- I don’t even know anymore.

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Q: What’s the difference between a catfish and a lawyer?
A: The catfish doesn’t know how unhappy it is and at least the lawyer went to law school.

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A woman in her early 30s finds a lamp. She brushes off the dust and a genie appears. “I will grant you one wish,” he says.

“I thought I got three?” the woman asks.

“You spoiled brat, now you get nothing.” The genie says before disappearing.

“Wait, I just thought it was always three! Please come back!" the woman begs. "I want to wish for something that seems non-threatening but is actually a burden or punishment.”

The genie returns. “You already have that,” he says. Then he goes to a bar afterwards.