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Articles by
David Henne
David Henne is a public relations professor and higher ed. content director from Long Island, New York
May 15, 2024I Am a Gen Z Employee Who Job Hops Every Two Hours
March 4, 2024Of Microplastics and Men
April 20, 2023Finally, a Doorbell Camera That Shoots Bullets
February 1, 2023You vs. The New Hire Your Boss Tells You Not to Worry About
January 4, 2022Gloria Estefan Emerges from the Miami Sound Machine to Warn Humanity That a New Variant of Rhythm Is Gonna Get You
June 8, 2020Quarantine Developmental Milestones
October 23, 2017I Am the Picasso of Wine and Painting Night
September 13, 2016I’m EpiPen and I Haven’t Changed One Bit
April 1, 2016Classic Poems Modified for Climate Change
December 8, 2015Doctor, It Hurts When I Nae Nae
October 26, 2015Cosmic Calendar (Heavily Edited Biblical Edition)
August 25, 2015I Am the Freshest Comedy Aggregator On the Internet