Handyperson Needed
We need a handyperson to help us with some of the carpentry and finish work in the new International Library of Youth Writing at McSweeney’s headquarters in San Francisco. Click for details.
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April 8, 2008Reviews of a Struggling Actor’s First Three Bank Heists
March 31, 2008Dispatches From the Napoleonic Wars at the Met: Dispatch 5: I Surrender Like My Name Is Pierre
February 27, 2008Great Mugging Escapes—No. 204: The War on Terror
April 6, 2006John Moe’s Pop Song Correspondences: Concerning, Jon Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive
December 9, 2005Selected Comments From a British Web Discussion Forum Entitled “Protecting Your Home From Criminals—How Far Would You Go?”
January 4, 2005An Open Letter to Whoever Broke Into My Car This Morning
October 20, 2004The Search Continues: Places Where O.J. Simpson Has Not Found the Killer
May 20, 2004Nonviolent Philosophy for the Philosophically Violent
March 8, 2004Sestina: She Used a Funnel
October 15, 2002Actual Security Incidents at Queen’s University
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