“Virginia [Ginni] Thomas, a conservative activist married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, repeatedly pressed White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in a series of urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks after the vote…”
The Washington Post, 3/24/2022

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GINNI THOMAS: Help our Great Emperor stand firm, Mark! This kid is obviously a Liar.

MARK MEADOWS: I will do everything in my power, Ginni, to prove the Great Emperor is fully clothed! And that his clothes are made of the finest silk in the Land!

THOMAS: God Bless You. The majority know this kid is attempting the Greatest Lie in our History.

MEADOWS: Evil always looks like The Truth until the Emperor triumphs. I will continue the fight. The Kingdom depends on it!!!

THOMAS: Sharing this video. “Kid Crime Family and Co-Conspirators Biggest Lie in History!”

MEADOWS: Working now with Weavers to prove quality/reality of clothes the Emperor is so clearly wearing. Thanks for video and for all you do!!!

THOMAS: You are in my Prayers! Yes, Listen to the Weavers. Listen to the Noblemen who were Clearly holding up/inspecting the Emperor’s clothes before he put them on for the Parade!

MEADOWS: FYI, more people are saying they also saw the Emperor naked at the Parade… It’s not just the kid, anymore… Starting to doubt my own eyes.

THOMAS: You can’t not believe what you didn’t see!!! If you cave to the people who are backing this kid, it would be the end of our Kingdom!

MEADOWS: Don’t understand…

THOMAS: Well, then, I’m done. Done with it all. Done with the Liars, the Hypocrisy, the Hoaxes, done Fighting. I’m going to see the Weavers. They are the Greatest in the Land. I’m to be fitted for a Great Gown. Made of the finest silk. Then you will see the Truth. Will text pics!!!