Image of a reCAPTCHA board, featuring various pictures of clouds. The prompt reads: Select the photos of clouds that would make me stand out on my lawn and watch for a storm. And we definitely need a good storm.

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Image of a reCAPTCHA board, featuring the nine headshots of a  20-something man. The photos all appear to be the same. The prompt reads: Select my favorite photo of your brother Matt from my camera roll. These aren't the same picture, but I did snap them all back-to-back, and I can't bring myself to delete a single one. One clearly is the best, though. That's the one I'm sharing on Facebook.

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Image of a reCAPTCHA board, featuring nine different woman. Most of the photos seem to have been taken in the 1980s. The prompt reads: Select all the images of perfect tens by my standards. Keep in mind that this reCAPTCHA is alright because I'm from a different time and place, and also one of these pictures is of your mother.

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Imagie of a reCAPTCHA board, featuring one photo of a car's engine that is split up into the nine squares of the board. Prompt reads: Select all squares with the carburetor. If there are none, click skip. If you're unsure, please get your brother Matt and tell him I need a hand.

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Imagie of a reCAPTCHA board, featuring one photo of a snacks and potato chip aisle at a supermarket. The prompt reads: Select the squares that contain the brand of chips your mom likes. Please hurry, I'm in the store now.