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Articles by
Amanda Lehr
Amanda walked out of the ocean three months ago. She’s currently trying her best.
June 28, 2021This Pride Month, We’ve Affirmed That We Fully Accept the LGBTQ Community’s Money
May 28, 2021Walt Whitman’s Doctor Annotates His Patient Intake Form
April 16, 2021Classic Plays as Spam Emails
March 31, 2021Horror Icons in Quarantine: One Year in
March 26, 2021An Excerpt from My New Anxiety Dream Where I’m Blocking the Suez Canal
February 12, 2021Famous Fictional Men Review Their Made-to-Order Girlfriends
December 18, 2020The Tired HR Rep from Love Actually Sends Yet Another Memo
December 10, 2020Modern Yiddish Insults for the Outgoing President
November 10, 2020We Have Slain Macbeth, So Let’s Just Not Think About the Witches Right Now
November 5, 2020The Void Is Full. Please Stop Screaming into It
October 6, 2020Hamlet, According to the White House’s Media Team
September 21, 2020Bruce Springsteen or Stephen King?
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