The Believer Magazine
Non-Essential Mnemonics
In this space, writer Kent Woodyard shares all the mnemonics
you’ll never really need to remember.
To view this column offline, check out Kent’s first book, Non-Essential Mnemonics: An Unnecessary Journey Into Senseless Knowledge.
July 6, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “Michael’s ego redefined team sports” – Magic Johnson
June 20, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “Helicopters are so stinkin’ nice!”
June 8, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “Now you see!” said Crystal. “No one likes Kanye West.” A valid point, David confessed privately. But still—freaking Crystal—she didn’t like any hip-hop besides Mos Def
May 18, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “So, maybe this week they’ll fire Seacrest.”
April 27, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “Lady Gaga’s creepy—borderline ghoulish.”
April 6, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: Says Rep. Paul: Jersey Shore Destroys Mid-American Values
March 28, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: Tacos
March 16, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “Nothing compares—in scope, noise, and excitement—with March Madness. Some people say college sports stink. What?!?! Shutup!”
March 7, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: “China helps manufacture ’warfare management technology. Everything from robot bombs to Japanese wedding lights (i.e. fireworks)”
February 23, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: Speedos, Mustaches, Hairy Legs, ABBA. Europe’s Got Problems, No Doubt. But Let’s Cut It Some Slack. It’s Still Recovering From Colonial Revolts, Plagues, Usurping Kings, & Greece’s Latest Fiscal Bonfire
February 7, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: Sally Sells Sea Shells at the Sea Shore
January 18, 2011Non-Essential Mnemonics: "How about a nice mocha. Or… ummmm… what is White Macchiato? Sounds delicious. No? Dangit. Cappuccino… no… no. What’s Vanilla Kreme? Oh. Maybe caramel with iced tea for my Anch Marcy? My aunt I mean. I like organic teas—kiwi… vanilla… raspbe
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