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June 1, 2017River-Crossing Problems for Twenty-Somethings
May 19, 2017Classic Literature Repurposed for Millennials
May 4, 2017I Remember When Being a Millennial Actually Meant Something
April 14, 2017It’s Possible Millennial Disciples Hastened Jesus’s Death
March 13, 2017Curatorial Statement for the Moving Back Home With My Mom Biennial
March 2, 2017I Am the World’s Most Fuckable Conservative Wunderkind and I Demand Your Respect
December 9, 2016The Grim Reaper is Just Your Everyday, Average Millennial
December 1, 2016A Shonda Rhimes Monologue for the Millennial Woman
October 3, 2016Peace Treaty Negotiations for Splitting Up the Check
August 30, 2016A Millennial’s Hierarchy of Needs
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