In the Elevator

EMPLOYEE 1: Monday joke.


EMPLOYEE 1: Weekend?

EMPLOYEE 2: Weekend. Weekend?

EMPLOYEE 1: Weekend.

EMPLOYEE 2: Slow elevator joke.


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Buying Lunch at the Food Cart

CUSTOMER: Weather joke!

SERVER: Ha ha ha!

CUSTOMER: Ha ha ha!

SERVER: Weather complaint.

CUSTOMER: Additional weather complaint.

(Homeless man walks by and asks for change. The customer gives him a dollar.)

CUSTOMER: Job market joke!

SERVER: Hahaha!

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In the Taxi Coming From the Airport

DRIVER: Destination?

PASSENGER: Destination.

DRIVER: Destination! Hometown?

PASSENGER: Hometown.

DRIVER: Surprise! Hometown anecdote.

PASSSENGER: Pretends to check voice mail.

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Buying Coffee

CUSTOMER: Background music?

BARISTA: Whatever.

CUSTOMER: Tattoo compliment.

BARISTA: Mumble.

CUSTOMER: Overly enthusiastic goodbye.

BARISTA: Eye roll.

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At the Barbershop

BARBER: Fishing?

CUSTOMER: Medical problem.

BARBER: Related medical problem.

CUSTOMER: A more serious related medical problem.

BARBER: Silence.

CUSTOMER: Silence.

BARBER: Local sports joke!

CUSTOMER: Ha ha ha!

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In the Veterinarian’s Waiting Room

DOG OWNER 1: Good Dog!

DOG OWNER 2: Good Dog!

DOG OWNER 1: Dog age?

DOG OWNER 2: Dog age. Gender correction. Dog age?

DOG OWNER 1: Dog age.

DOG OWNER 2: Surprise! Dog food?

DOG OWNER 1: Dog food.

CAT OWNER: Whispers to cat.