1. Post-Election College Paper Grading Rubric
by Daveena Tauber (11/11/16)

2. If Women Wrote Men the Way Men Write Women
by Meg Ellison (10/25/16)

3. Things the World’s Most and Least Privileged People Say
by John-Clark Levin (5/19/16)

4. I Would Rather Do Anything Else Than Grade Your Final Papers
by Robin Lee Mozer (5/2/16)

5. Jamie and Jeff’s Notes to the Babysitter
by Paul William Davies (1/13/16)

6. Alternatives to Resting Bitch Face
by Susan Harlan (1/25/16)

7. Obituaries for Teenage Girls If They Actually Died When They Say They’re Dying
by Karen Chee (5/26/16)

8. Comforting Thoughts for #NEVERHILLARY Bernie Supporters After Trump’s First Term
by David Kawalec (7/26/16)

9. Let Me Translate My Emails For You
by Adriana Cloud (3/1/16)

10. Don’t Worry, I Checked My Privilege
by Elliott Kalan (2/16/16)

11. No, I Don’t Dislike the New Ghostbusters Movie Because I Hate Women — It’s Because I Strongly Believe In Hollywood Finance Reform
by Samuel Priest (6/15/16)

12. Titles of Bach Chorales, as Translated By My Niece After One Semester of German
by Nolan Bonvouloir (4/15/16)

13. Famous Authors Reply to Your Unsolicited Dick Pics
by Jamie Cricks (3/8/16)

14. Excuses I have Told My Son to Use For His Failure to Hand in English Homework, Excuses I Have Learned are Acceptable During a Thirty Year Career in Journalism, Books, and Film
by Nick Hornby (2/5/16)

15. Now Is Not the Time to Criticize the Galaxy Note 7
by Wen Powers (11/19/16)

16. How to Negotiate a Raise If You’re a Woman
by Maura Quint (4/5/16)

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Illustration by Francisco Baudizzone