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June 24, 2019Neutral, Milk, or Hotel?
May 16, 2019How to Train a Feral Dog or How to Correct a Male Colleague?
April 5, 2019Description of My 2003 Honda CR-V or My 35-Year-Old Body?
November 30, 2018Font Review or a Critique of My Recent Performance as a Lover?
August 27, 2018Academic Job Market Strategies or Fortnite Tips?
August 22, 2018Who Said it: Dorothy Parker or Special Counsel Robert Mueller?
August 21, 2018Amusement Park Roller Coaster or Apt Description of How I Perceive Myself When I Wear My Salmon Slacks?
July 31, 2018Silicon Valley Startup or Plague-Ridden Feudal Business?
June 28, 2018Think Pieces Attempting to Define “Big Dick Energy” or Joan Didion’s Iconic Essay “On Self-Respect”?
June 22, 2018A Person With Down Syndrome or Corey Lewandowski?
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