“Could have used more foreshadowing.”

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“Antagonist too cartoonish. Orange skin, really?”

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“I found the satire of modern American representative democracy and of the state of race relations in a polarized nation to be a bit too on-the-nose.”

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“The chorus of sad millennials at the end dragged the denouement.”

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“Trump character had a distinctive if unintelligible voice. I appreciate the critique evident in the speech style’s cognitive dissonance, but eventually it became an unfruitful parody. The dialogue was not realistic whatsoever.”

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“Who says ‘grab’ them by the pussy?”

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“Of the supporting cast, the Bernie character was unexpected and adorable, but ultimately underwhelming. Pence character quite frightening — I’m anxious to see what you do with him. Melania character intriguing but flat. Republican Party underutilized.”

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“Hillary character somewhat robotic and unlikeable. Unsure if deserved the backlash she received. A tragic if unsatisfying arc.”

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“I found the piece memorable, and it succeeded in evoking a strong emotional response. However it strained my suspension of disbelief throughout. Even for a fabulist/surrealist work, the plot lacked coherence.”

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“Draft could use more of a sense of resolution.”

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“The story is not as funny or witty as it thinks it is.”

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“The attempt at irony overall could be more subtle. For instance, maybe the misogynist running against the first female nominee of a major political party shouldn’t also be a former beauty pageant owner.”

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“I will say of the piece that the stakes were clear and high.”

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“I can’t wait to see where the story goes.”

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“Not to be prescriptive, but I think the hair should be sentient in a Professor Quirrell/Lord Voldemort sort of way.”